Monday, January 11, 2016

How to be yourself

What is most rewarding experience, DREAMS. Some get to fulfil, or some just wait, their fear hold them back, regret becomes their friend.. Don't regret, get up and try seeing yourself living your dreams and make life what it can be. We are born and we will die are only truth.. that's first and last pages on your "Book of Life" and rest you have to write... some pages will have experiences and some pages will have rewards, some you have to write with your ACTIONS you took to fulfil your dreams. Sometimes we observe, sometimes we think, sometimes we change, we get in habits, we change places, we make list and do it one by one..

1 Listen your emotions, acknowledge, don't take any action

2. Love your body, look at yourself without any criticism

3. Learn to say sorry, to save your time to avoid further discussion

4. Forgive the people who treated you badly, they will manage themselves

5. Be nice to yourself, treat yourself with healthy sessions

6. Develop the habit of appreciating being alone, your special

7. Pick up annual holidays, plan it enthusiastically

8. Get rid of the emotional baggage, write them down and tear it off

9. Be interested in knowing about people, it will broaden your view

10. Work on your relationships, give your 100%

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