Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Destination Prabalgad

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks. – John


Have you sat and looked at the beauty of nature surrounding you and

thought I" I would love to explore and discover what is there?; Sometime

10 years ago in India, I could see these 2 mountains in daily travel. It made

me wonder whats there. I like to explore nature walks, trekking, picnics in

national park. They added lots of happy moments to my “I did this list”.

I wanted to visit this fort called PrabalGad. Forts are called Gad in our

language. Just 2 hrs drive from city this area is surrounded by forts,

natural beauty and waterfalls. There are many stunning one day treks in

this area.

In India the rains are from June to September period, when our natural

beauty at its peak. I love the rains. I love to get wet in first rain. I love that

natural smell of the first rain and relief from hot weather. It is so cool and


I also like to be a friend with nature, walk in the rain, smell and observe

natural beauty.

In India, I gained enough experience of trekking through first level type of

forts where there are steep steps and some marked walking trail.

My office colleague planned a Trek to Prabalgad. I felt it was planned just

for me, ­ monsoon season trekking to such wonderful locations

I wanted to climb Korigad, lohgad, dattatekdi, national park, kankeshwar,

walking the whole day on each 4 outings.

PrabalGad the same mountain, From my daily travelling, they looked very

far away and maybe too big. If I don't do it now maybe I never will!

I was all packed and ready some water, good pair of shoes, hat, light

raincoat and snacks, all done. The whole Prabalgad trekking route had

only 2 small cafes and one family run lodge.

Rainy season trek usually are more muddy trails, slippery roads and

unexpected waterfalls. Any supplies shops are run by villagers at base

point village.

Forts are built on the pinnacle of the Mountain. There is good history of

forts. They are strategically located so the warriors could watch the

movements of enemy. These warriors ride horses and attack the enemies

stocks, travel plans to get much idea of strength. So these forts were never

visible. Enemies have no direct access to the fort location. Over time,

many forts were destroyed and few were maintained depending on the

community of the surrounding villages.

It's difficult to imagine a situation where you just have the local guide who

takes you through a proper route.

As planned our meeting point was early morning 5 am to reach and 3

hours traffic time to “ The destination Prabalgad.” Almost 3­4 hours walk

was estimated to reach top

It was indeed scenic, clouds were floating on top of mountain. Rain drops

were making the weather cool and the road wet. I started to walk. 2 km

stretch, had to cross a river and we finally reached the forest, the ­ starting

point of PrabalGad.

We had one local villager as our guide. Its always good to make buddy on

a trek with one who matches your pace.

When I looked up I thought it's too far. You start slowly and steadily we

made it through. There were no railings to hold. No steps were created. It

was not a typical forrest but lots of wild trees with big and small plants. Old

trees with weird shapes.

Some patch was rocky some with plain red dusty road. Big and small

rocks. And I came across big rock nearing my shoulder. As I was busy

clicking photos I hadn’t notice how person before me managed to climb,

just had to hold on to the next big rock to cross. I learned it never hurts to

ask for help, when stuck. So I had to stretch legs, do stunts, attempt to

climb some of the rocks and support by my hands. I really enjoyed each bit

of walking.

Good on us, there was long stretch plain plateau to walk. As we reached, it

started pouring. We took our first halt and photo session. It was back in

2007. It still run like a film in my mind. What if situations analysis made

some trekkers to quit. They wanted to wait and join us on return journey.

We saw small 2 homes of villagers. It was home run café. Relief as our

friends got place to wait there. Since there was no other group trekking up

with us & we had never attempted Prabalgad before.

When you reach half way, it is different feeling. You can make choice, to

chase your dreams or adjust with surroundings. And everything is


We found a big rock chair where we all did photos on the rock. On

the top of that rock it feels just like a King of your time . You can

experience the chilled air, forceful wind, experience the picnic in the clouds

from the peak of the hill and it will show you its different shades.

Experience the twinkling lights of Mumbai city, Rasayani, Panvel and

nearby areas from the height. To experience this exciting package of fun,

happiness and refreshment.

At Prabal gad, near top of the mountain, I was actually in clouds. Whole

remaining trek we had to cover ­walking through clouds, only seeing the

next few meters. I remember the scenic view of clouds from base village

was mesmerizing.

The thought that I was in the clouds, I was so happy I did something I

wanted for a long time. It was not raining but rain drops were presenting

slight wetness on skin.

Almost 10 years from that moment, I've visited many more places and

acouple of countries. But the immensely joy I felt still lingers. The trueness

of moment, that you can experience anytime. Was it fog or cloud. I didn't

want to analyse my experience.

From top you see your trek starting point and all difficult points, dangerous

trails, my words are limited to describe the scenic beauty. The flat top area

of the fort is covered by dense forest. Because of the dense forest it is not

always easy to find paths for walking.

Actually we had only covered 3/4th distance, everyone was bit scared as

the route was not visible and the forest was getting dense. This fort had

North and South end. Our tour manager decided to return as we had some

youngsters with us and they lacked preparation for an overnight stay.

At entry point, then there is no problem for climb. Route is little steep for

climb, occupied with all small and big rocks, more challenging to climb


Some had great pictures and videos of trek, but I had my best experience

in that moment. When I was absolutely happy, my happiness was not

depend on anything. I wish absolute joyful moment to everyone.

Healthy Body Healthy Mind

​General purpose: Awareness about breathing – unconscious activity.

Specific purpose: Sharing spiritual way of breathing and thinking.

Breath, a simple must thing for us. What’s first thing came in your mind when I said breath. Life, oxygen, swimming, yoga, stress reduction technique.
Breathing is probably the easiest way to know that we re still alive. Birth is beginning and death is last chapter and all rest of the chapters of busy life are threaded by breathing.
Deep breath, shallow breath, Normal breath, relaxed breathing, breathing from diaphragm, all the time, most of the time we breath.
Have you ever come across suggestions like this:
Stop, Breathe, Notice, Reflect and Respond. Specially to Nasty emails and comments.

Now that you have responded to stressful client email, or writing any new report. Our breathing pattern changes as our thoughts; still on subject or expecting response will feel more control.
When we are babies, we all take deep, relaxing breaths from our abdomen - watch your children when they are asleep to see how their stomach rises and falls rather than their chest. As we get older, stress often changes the way we breathe.

Now think of your favorite fragrance Floral, citrus, woody, clean, crisp ocean breeze
Inhaling or thoughts of favorite fragrance changes ours mood. Journey from unconscious to conscious mind and related thoughts.

When yoga teacher teaches poses, he constantly reminds to breath. Efficient breathing is important in any peak performance dancing. If you are woman, you need to know how to breathe when delivering baby. Breathing is art and skill of living.

Good thing about technique and skills that it can be learned and improved.


'If you're breathing properly, you can feel your diaphragm pushing down into your belly through it isn't crucial for the abdomen to go in and out while you're breathing, it can be a good technique.

To practice this technique all you have to do is exhale air out as much time as possible, inhale; try exhaling as many times as possible then inhale. You will realize how we can breath from diaphragm.

If this doesn’t work, imagine you are entering in Starbucks or coffee shop and inhaling the aroma of coffee, does it make you feel better. Possibility that along with aroma you inhaled more oxygen than normal.


When we are stressed, our bodies operate on the 'fight or flight' response to whatever is scaring us. This means we take short sharp breaths to help prepare for the 'fight' we will have to face.

As we breathe, we determine signals to our brain and that becomes our habit.
I suggest if time permits one must read book power of habits. It doesn’t talk about breathing exercises but how habit affects us. As breathing happens automatically, many of us don’t give the breath as much attention as it deserves nor have we learned to harness its full potential to calm our minds.

In summary I would like to say small things in life makes big difference. Your friends are for hours; family members for years; but breathing is life.

Paying few minutes attention of breathing and thinking what thoughts come with each type of breath one can know more about self.

Because Healthy body got healthy mind

Monday, January 11, 2016

Must do in your workplace...

1. Get a positive attitude

Positivity is inside, keep mental attitude optimistic. Open mindedness is evidence for your views and a positive attitude, always tell yourself, I give my 100% t what I do in this moment.

2. Learn to create an intelligent impression

Technical jargons, industry words, office forums / lingo, google / tweet/ write on social media about industry trends, never say I don't know and close the topic. 

3. Develop habit of learning something new

Learning makes you more knowledgeable, learn as much as you can and try what you can use in day to day life, it polishes your hidden talent to make you an absolute professional

4. Dress smart at work and don't over show your talents

Don't blow leadership by being know-it-all, it dangerous as such people don't listen to others and miss on fresh ideas. Work smartly and listen to every new idea.

5. Work creatively

Write and built your unique ideas, don't just follow everydays tasks, try ethical new ways for improvement.

6. Life is a changing game.

KNOW it and set your priorities flexible and keep gaining confidence, have next goal ready as soon as your reach near your goal. Solve the problems with worrying about aftermaths of it.

7. Turn problems into opportunities

NEVER think of quitting.It is not easy task to accomplish. Its overwhelming, dump your fear to come out emotionally stronger. Instead of saying No, get attitude of I will give a try and mean it.

8. Live the life to the fullest

KEEP Life SIMPLE and move with full energy, without any terms and conditions, say hello to co-workers, have weekend plans, have to do list, have your opinions and dare to speak.

9. Make your own rules about email checking frequency, work priorities

Must have rules for work activities and strong in mind, written on paper, followed ardently. 

10. Don't be petrified to ask what you want politely

CONCENTRATE and anticipate positive result to achieve your goal, passion and viosion. Always know what you want to do next but welcome all opportunities to learn.

How to be yourself

What is most rewarding experience, DREAMS. Some get to fulfil, or some just wait, their fear hold them back, regret becomes their friend.. Don't regret, get up and try seeing yourself living your dreams and make life what it can be. We are born and we will die are only truth.. that's first and last pages on your "Book of Life" and rest you have to write... some pages will have experiences and some pages will have rewards, some you have to write with your ACTIONS you took to fulfil your dreams. Sometimes we observe, sometimes we think, sometimes we change, we get in habits, we change places, we make list and do it one by one..

1 Listen your emotions, acknowledge, don't take any action

2. Love your body, look at yourself without any criticism

3. Learn to say sorry, to save your time to avoid further discussion

4. Forgive the people who treated you badly, they will manage themselves

5. Be nice to yourself, treat yourself with healthy sessions

6. Develop the habit of appreciating being alone, your special

7. Pick up annual holidays, plan it enthusiastically

8. Get rid of the emotional baggage, write them down and tear it off

9. Be interested in knowing about people, it will broaden your view

10. Work on your relationships, give your 100%

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Self Respect from

Self confidence and self respect

Every day, the media presents images of 'successful' people. These images reinforce the illusion that a successful person is someone who is rich, famous, beautiful and powerful.
Real success is being comfortable with who you are, in any company and in any situation. There's a difference between confidence and self respect. You may be very confident at work, but this does not guarantee that you feel good about who you are.
If your sense of personal value comes from ‘what you do’ rather than ‘who you are’ then, when you stop doing, you may struggle to find any value in yourself.
One way to avoid sinking into uncomfortable feelings about yourself is to make yourself busier and busier. But no matter how busy you are, you won’t feel good about yourself without self respect.
Reclaiming self respect is at the heart of the meditation journey.

Self respect refers to your overall evaluation of yourself. Self-respect can be high or low. A healthy self respect means accepting everything about yourself: your strengths, your weaknesses, your victories, your defeats, your past, your hopes and dreams, your uniqueness and your ordinariness.

Your level of self respect influences the way you treat yourself.
You can be loved by many people, but be unable to love yourself; you can be a high achiever, yet feel like a failure; you may do a lot of helpful things, but remain constantly self-critical.
Deep down, you hold beliefs or perceptions about yourself. If you believe you are not lovable, then you interpret life through this filter. If you believe that you are inferior, then, no matter how well you do, it is never good enough.
To have a healthy self respect is to know yourself, as you are, with all your unique character traits, and to appreciate your own value and self-worth. Self respect is recognising your own value.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Willpower way

A beautiful mind

It seems everyone's on a quest to get fit. Jogging, gym, Pilates, cycling and a host of other sports all promote good health. A healthy diet and exercise plan are important, but  mental health and mood also play a large role in a totally healthy you. A beautiful mind can be yours by following few simple tips.

Sleep on it.
Its funny how we often neglect one of the most important drivers of mental well being: sleep. Life is busy, so we tend to steal the time we should be using for rest and relaxation. Getting adequate sleep should be on the top of everyone's list for achieving a healthy mind. An hour extra at night r a afternoon nap? Choice is yours.

Stretch you brain
Grab the daily paper and do the crossword. Test your general knowledge with the quiz. Play Sudoku to boost your numeracy skills. Or go online and find some brain teasers. Simply Google ' brain games' and you will find heaps of the ways to discover the secret power of your brain, with memory exercises, mental challenges, puzzles, logic problems, cryptograms, 3D mazes, optical illusions and many more.

Walk the walk
Walking is good for your body, right? Yes but it is also one of the best mental exercises you can take up. Walking stimulates thinking and gives you time to clear the issues of the day and even just daydream. Stroll through the park. Amble along the beach side at dusk. Or if you are within few kilometers of work, try walking instead f driving.

Chill out
Scientific evidences show that listening to your favorite music - from Beethoven to the Beetles, or Mozart to Massive Attack - can assist concentration, filter distractions, prolong attention span, and encode information in memory. When you need to do your best brain-work, music can sharpen your mind. Its also very relaxing.

Feed your brain
Your brain needs nutrition to help it think, make connections, and rest. Foods such as salmon, avacado, blueberries, spinach, nuts, seeds, olive oil and tea all have properties that can boost mood, assist memory and generally contribute to healthy brain function. Want one more? Dark chocolate

In a Macquarie University study, participants were asked to three gym sessions a week. But as a result, they also radically reduced smoking, drinking, television watching, junk food intake and saved money, all without being prompted to do so. Willpower overflowed into every aspect of their lives. 

Please note this article is copied from The Balance issue magazine (MORE Autumn 2013) as it contains good information for health.

Being Mum

I am mom of 2 years old toddler. She screams on me she gives cute smile, makes funny faces, runs to give me cuddle. Its just very beautiful experience. I can't say if its good to have baby early in relationship or late. Nor to say babies are angels or toughest toddlers. I am sure to say, something I truly wished and I am enjoying. Not all moments will be fun and joyful. But it makes you feel complete. I am lucky that I experienced Love in every corner. As they say to Mom, with her, I don’t need to look back. Thanks for always being there!’ I always wonder can I be good mother? What it takes to be good mother? Before I was mum, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart in front of me outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between us, how it started. She is so small but makes me feel the best, very special, most loved. I didn't know I was capable to make her feel loved and she trusts me. When she falls, her eyes are full of questions, more than pain that I was there and I didn't stop her from falling. I never thought of I would love to do house work but I do clean house every day so that she will be healthy. Before being Mum, I never looked in teary small eyes and cried and smiled and laughed and felt happy.I never knew that something so small could change my life so much, I would love being mum. Its wonderful but not easy when you have been puked on - pooped on - spit on - chewed on - peed on -  bite by tiny teeth. Sleeping whole night is dream now, even if someone asks me to sleep while they can take care of her I can't stop taking care of her. I have to see her alright, can't stop being mum and just sleep. Love you so much darling!